
Internet platform for studying Xenophobia, Radicalism and Problems of Intercultural communication.


International scientific online-conference "Xenophobia and Extremism: Global Challenges and Regional Trends", October 26, 2021

The Center for Extremism and Radicalism Studies at the Moscow Economic Institute (CERS) held an International scientific conference "Xenophobia and Extremism: Global Challenges and Regional Trends" on October 26, 2021.

The event aimed at expert discussion of new challenges faced by the international community in the process of countering extremism. Challenges related to the nature and manifestations of extremism, social xenophobia, the policy of the authorities and the activities of radical organizations.

The conference was attended by 45 speakers from 15 countries, including Russia, USA, Canada, Argentina, France, Britain and many others. Greetings to the participants were addressed by: President of the Moscow Economic Institute Dr. Igor Surat, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dr. Valery Tishkov, Deputy Head of the Department for Supervision of the Implementation of Laws on Federal Security, Interethnic Relations, Countering Extremism and Terrorism of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation Mr. Alexey Zhafyarov, Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation for Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law Dr. Grigory Lukyantsev.

Among the researchers who participated in the Conference, we have to mention such specialists as Dr. Victor Shnirelman, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading expert in Radical Rights in Russia, Dr. Ahmet Yarlykapov, Senior Researcher of the University of the International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, one of the best Russian specialists in Islamism, Dr. Rinat Pateev, Director of The Center for Islamic Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Dr. Alexander Rostokinsky, Head of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, leading Russian expert in the field of legal aspects of the fight against extremism, professors of the Rutgers University (USA) Dr. Stephen Brenner and Dr. Alex Hinton, leading experts on the history and practice of Genocide, professor of the International Christian University in Tokyo Dr. J. Shani, leading scientific expert on extremist practices of the Far East and South Asia, lawyer, Senior Researcher at the Centre for the Analysis of the Radical Right in London, former head of the anti-racist organization Southern Centre for Poverty Alleviation (USA) Mr. Mark Potok and many others. The participation of experts of such level means, on the one hand, the high relevance of the problem, and on the other hand, it means the demand for such scientific events.

The high level of participants determined the high level of the discussion itself, as a result, the 7 hours allotted for the conference (and this is a lot for an online event) flew by unnoticed.

The following topics were discussed during the Conference:

  • The main definitions of Extremism in modern science.
  • Features of legislation and law enforcement practice in countering Extremism.
  • Extremism, Radicalism, Xenophobia, Hate crime, Genocide and other related concepts – cause-and-effect relationships, common and distinctive features.
  • Prerequisites and forms of extremism, models of formation of extremist groups in different countries.
  • Risks of failure to take measures to combat Extremism.
  • Conflict between the basic values of the state and security interests as a consequence of countering Extremism.
  • World trends in anti-extremist legislation and in law enforcement practices.
  • Dynamics of Xenophobic sentiments in society in the OSCE area.
  • Dynamics of Extremist crime. General trends.
  • The role of digital technologies in the radicalization of society.
  • Current trends in the activities of extremist organizations. Right and left extremists. Islamism. The main risk factors in the OSCE region.

It is obvious that this event is an important contribution to the development of the scientific research in the field of the study of Extremism and Radicalism, since the very fact of a meeting of high-level specialists to discuss common issues is already a big breakthrough in scientific researches, serves as an incentive for further scientific research. The Moscow Institute of Economics is preparing a collection of conference papers. You can get acquainted with the Conference Program and with a video recording of the participants' speeches here.

CERS is a scientific and expert center established at the Moscow Economic Institute in April 2021. Its purpose - monitoring and analysis of the nature, content and on the consequences of the manifestations of Extremism and Radicalism in the world, to conduct expert research in order to identify the signs of Extremism in the activities of individuals or organizations, preparation of educational content for students, advocates and Human rights defenders.

Moscow Economic Institute is a non-governmental educational private institution of higher education in the Russian Federation, which specializes in research and educational activities in the field of Economics, Law and Design. The training of specialists at the Moscow Economic Institute is carried out in 9 areas of undergraduate, 4 areas of master's degree, 1 specialty of secondary vocational education.


Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right Inaugural Conference, London May 15-17, 2019

The Centre for the Analysis of the Radical Right, in partnership with the Richmond, the American University in London, is hosting its inaugural Conference May 15-17, 2019 in Richmond, London - looking at a Century of Radical Right Extremism since the formation of Mussolini’s Fasci Italiani di Combattimento. The keynote will be given by world -renowned investigative journalist and formel Director at SPLC's Intelligence Project, Mark Potok


The conference will examine both historical and contemporary forms of Radical Right extremism, as wed as incorporating practitioner perspectives on this pressing global political issue Special strands will also be incorporated for Early career Researchers including workshops on engaging with media and publishing, in addition to practice-based round table discussions. Multiple panels will also specifically feature ECR researchers and themes, including professional development.


6th International Conference Riga Forum: Museums of Holocaust in the XXI Century: Challenges and Opportunities Riga, 21-22 May

Riga, 21-22 May.

The “Shamir” Society, Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust Museum and European International Tolerance Center announce the start of the registration for the annual conference dedicated to the problems of museums and places of memory of the Holocaust.

For the 6th time, this conference will take place in Riga.

Working languages of the conference are English, Russian, and Latvian. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided. We ask you to send your applications with a brief presentation of your theses (approx. 300 words) to the e-mail address rigaforum2019@shamir.lv before 1 March.

The hotel (2 nights) and food expenses of foreign participants of the conference will be covered. Please inform us if you wish to arrive to Riga prior to the conference or stay for a longer period of time and if you require kosher food.

To register for the conference, fill in the application form: https://goo.gl/forms/gnd03sw7xppzAcn83

Project coordinators e-mail: rigaforum2019@shamir.lv


The Third International Expert Forum on Tolerance "Xenophobia and European Radicalism. Global Challenges".

On October 22, 2018, Institute of Studies for the Social Economy in Athens, the Panhellenic Association for Social Economy Partnerships, NGO Erymanthos based in Athens, European Center for Democracy in Riga with the support of the Center for Monitoring and Comparative Analysis of Intercultural Communications at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, Moscow Economical Institute, European Center for Democracy and European International Tolerance Center, were holding in Athens the Third International Expert Forum on Tolerance "Xenophobia and European Radicalism. Global Challenges".

The International Expert Forum is a discussion platform where experts in the field of Radicalism and Xenophobia can exchange by the views on the current situation in Europe and in the World. The first two Conferences were held in Riga (Latvia) in 2016 and 2017. The 3rd Forum, which was held in Athens, was devoted to issues of global challenges on the European continent - the migration crisis and its consequences, the growing influence of right-wing organizations, hate crimes, and much more.

The forum was held under the aegis of the Athens Mayor's Office with the participation of the Secretary-General for Openness and Human Rights of the Ministry of Justice, Openness and Human Rights of Greece, Ms. Maria Yannakaki, the Vice-Mayor of Athens, Mr. Eleftherios Papagiannikis, and the head of the anti-racism and intolerance section of the Greek Police Department Mr. Katsiavaras Dimosthenis.

The Forum was attended by 29 experts from 16 countries, including the Chairman of the Russian Presidential Council on Human Rights and development of Civil Society, Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation prof. Mikhail Fedotov, Advisor to the Prime Minister of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, prof. Rubin Zeman and Deputy European Regional Representative of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Paul D'Achamphe.

Well-known scientists from around the World presented a detailed analysis of the situation with minority rights, including legislation and law enforcement practice in their countries, and also made recommendations to improve the situation. In addition, a pan-European analytical Report on Xenophobia and Radicalism for 2017–18 was presented at the Conference.

As a result of the Conference, the following joint Recommendations of the Forum participants to the governments of European countries, as well as to the international organizations were adopted:


Protecting Future. The Second Moscow International Conference on Combating Anti-Semitism, Racism and Xenophobia.

In October 28-30, 2018 Russian Jewish Congress, with the support of the Moscow Government, the World Jewish Congress, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, Genesis Philanthropy Group and Sberbank of Russia, is holding an International Conference on combating anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia.


European Tolerance Forum (RIGA FORUM), September 4-6, 2017

5th international conference „Holocaust museums and memorial sites in postcommunist countries: challenges and opportunities” and 2nd roundtable “Contemporary problems of tolerance”.

The Riga Forum is a logical continuation of the project dedicated to the history of the Holocaust – the conference „Holocaust museums and memorial sites in post-communist countries: challenges and opportunities”. It is a platform that unites two projects – the 5 th international Holocaust conference and the 2 nd roundtable dedicated to the contemporary problems concerning tolerance.

The event is organized by the European Tolerance Center, the Association “Shamir”, the Riga Ghetto Museum and the European Center for the Development of Democracy.

The goal of the forum – forming a comprehensive international society of professional experts on the questions of tolerance, xenophobia, radicalism and hate crimes and raising attention of the international community to the problems of tolerance existing in Europe today.


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